Usage: /jsidplay2service/JSIDPlay2REST/convert[]?[] Servlet Path: * C64 Tune/Tape/Disk/Cart File Servlet Parameters: help, h Display usage itemId Assembly64 item ID categoryId Assembly64 category ID startSong Start song (default: tune start song) locale Language Default: en textToSpeechType Text2Speech engine to be used: Announce tunes saying title, author and release information Default: PICO2WAVE Possible Values: [NONE, PICO2WAVE, ESPEAK] textToSpeechLocale Text2Speech language (AUTO means same language like locale parameter) Default: en download Download instead of streaming Default: false reuSize Use REU extension of that size in kb (128, 256, 512, 2048, 16384) sfxSoundExpander Use SFX Sound Expander [FM-YAM alike] Default: false sfxSoundExpanderType SFX Sound Expander Type (OPL1: YM3526 = 0, OPL2: YM3812 = 1) Default: 0 pressSpaceInterval Video Encoder: Press space periodically in s (turn off = 0) Default: 90 status Video Encoder: Show status line Default: true hls Video Encoder: Use HLS protocol (or RTMP protocol) for Videos Default: false hlsType HLS protocol: video driver to be used Default: HLS_JS Possible Values: [VIDEO_JS, HLS_JS] sidRegFormat Audio driver: SID Register Driver - Format of SID register writes Default: APP Possible Values: [NORMAL, APP, C64_JUKEBOX] autostart Autostart File videoTuneAsAudio Play tunes with video screen output as audio (.c64, .prg, .p00) Default: false audioTuneAsVideo Play audio tunes as video (.sid, .dat, .mus, .str) overrides videoTuneAsAudio parameter Default: false enableSidDatabase, n Use song length database Default: true startTime, t Song start time delay in seconds, format: mm:ss.SSS format Default: 0.0 defaultLength, g Set default play length in seconds, format: mm:ss.SSS (00:00 is endless) Default: 0.0 fadeIn Increase volume at the start in seconds, format: mm:ss.SSS format Default: 0.0 fadeOut Decrease volume at the end in seconds, format: mm:ss.SSS format Default: 0.0 loop, l Loop Track Default: false single, s Single Song Default: false hvsc Location of HVSC directory palEmulation Use PAL Emulation Default: true jiffydos Use JiffyDos floppy extension Default: false audio, a Audio driver Default: SOUNDCARD Possible Values: [SOUNDCARD, WAV, JWAV, FLAC, AAC, MP3, JMP3, FLV, AVI, MP4, SID_REG, SID_DUMP, LIVE_WAV, LIVE_JWAV, LIVE_FLAC, LIVE_AAC, LIVE_MP3, LIVE_JMP3, LIVE_FLV, LIVE_AVI, LIVE_MP4, LIVE_VIDEO_STREAMING, LIVE_SID_REG, LIVE_SID_DUMP, COMPARE_MP3] deviceIndex, A Sound Device index for SOUNDCARD audio driver Default: 0 frequency, f Sampling frequency in Hz (VERY_LOW=8000 Hz, LOW=44100 Hz, MEDIUM=48000 Hz, HIGH=96000 Hz) Default: MEDIUM Possible Values: [VERY_LOW, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH] sampling Sampling Method (DECIMATE=linear interpolation, RESAMPLE=more efficient SINC from chaining two other SINCs) Default: DECIMATE Possible Values: [DECIMATE, RESAMPLE] mainVolume Volume of SID in db (-6db..+6db) Default: 0.0 secondVolume Volume of Stereo SID in db (-6db..+6db) Default: 0.0 thirdVolume Volume of 3rd SID in db (-6db..+6db) Default: 0.0 mainBalance Balance of SID l(0)..r(1) Default: 0.5 secondBalance Balance of Stereo SID l(0)..r(1) Default: 0.5 thirdBalance Balance of 3rd SID l(0)..r(1) Default: 0.5 mainDelay Delay of SID in ms (0ms..50ms) Default: 0 secondDelay Delay of Stereo SID in ms (0ms..50ms) Default: 0 thirdDelay Delay of 3rd SID in ms (0ms..50ms) Default: 0 bufferSize, B Emulation Buffer Size Default: 65536 audioBufferSize Audio Buffer Size Default: 16384 cbr Audio driver: MP3 recording - Constant bit rate in kbps (-1=auto, 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 160 192 224 256 320) Default: -1 vbr Audio driver: MP3 recording - Use variable bitrate instead of constant bitrate Default: false vbrQuality Audio driver: MP3 recording - Use variable bitrate quality (0=best, 5=medium, 9=worst) Default: 5 acBitRate Audio Coder: Bit-rate to use, e.g. 128000 (lower quality) ... 320000 (higher quality) Default: 128000 acBitRateTolerance Audio Coder: Bit-rate tolerance to use Default: 64000 vcStreamingUrl Sound Treiber: Live Video Streaming - Live Streaming URL for the upload e.g. "rtmp://localhost/live/test" vcGOP Video Coder: Minimum number of frames between key-frames Default: 12 vcBitRate Video Coder: Bit-rate to use, e.g. PAL/NTSC: 210168/250884 (Low motion) ... 840746/1003536 (high motion) Default: 600000 vcBitRateTolerance Video Coder: Bit-rate tolerance to use Default: 300000 vcGlobalQuality Video Coder: Global quality setting this codec uses if a video picture doesn't have a quality set Default: 0 vcPreset Video Coder: Preset properties of a FFmpeg preset file Default: HQ Possible Values: [VERY_FAST, FAST, NORMAL, HQ, LOSSLESS_ULTRA_FAST, LOSSLESS_FAST, LOSSLESS_MEDIUM, LOSSLESS_MAX] vcAudioDelay Video Coder: Audio delay in ms to sync audio and video. A positive value will delay the audio while a negative value will hasten the audio in the video. Default: 0 delayBypass Audio Post Processor: Delay - bypass post processing Default: true delay Audio Post Processor: Delay - Delay in ms (0ms..100ms) Default: 10 delayWetLevel Audio Post Processor: Delay - Wet Level in percent (0%..100%) Default: 70 delayDryLevel Audio Post Processor: Delay - Dry Level in percent (0%..100%) Default: 70 delayFeedbackLevel Audio Post Processor: Delay - Feedback Level in percent (0%..100%) Default: 10 reverbBypass Audio Post Processor: Schroeder Reverb - bypass reverb post processing Default: true reverbComb1Delay Audio Post Processor: Schroeder Reverb - Comb1 Delay in ms(1.0ms..100.0ms) Default: 29.7 reverbComb2Delay Audio Post Processor: Schroeder Reverb - Comb2 Delay in ms(1.0ms..100.0ms) Default: 37.1 reverbComb3Delay Audio Post Processor: Schroeder Reverb - Comb3 Delay in ms(1.0ms..100.0ms) Default: 41.1 reverbComb4Delay Audio Post Processor: Schroeder Reverb - Comb4 Delay in ms(1.0ms..100.0ms) Default: 43.7 reverbAllPass1Delay Audio Post Processor: Schroeder Reverb - All Pass1 Delay in ms(1.0ms..50.0ms) Default: 5.0 reverbAllPass2Delay Audio Post Processor: Schroeder Reverb - All Pass2 Delay in ms(1.0ms..50.0ms) Default: 1.7 reverbSustainDelay Audio Post Processor: Schroeder Reverb - Sustain Delay in ms(1ms..1000ms) Default: 500.0 reverbDryWetMix Audio Post Processor: Schroeder Reverb - Dry Wet Mix (0.00..1.00) Default: 0.25 engine, E SID Engine Default: EMULATION Possible Values: [EMULATION, NETSID, HARDSID, SIDBLASTER, EXSID] defaultEmulation, e Default Emulation (RESID, RESIDFP) Default: RESIDFP Possible Values: [DEFAULT, RESID, RESIDFP] forceEmulation Force Mono SID Chip Emulation to RESID or RESIDFP (DEFAULT means default emulation) Default: DEFAULT Possible Values: [DEFAULT, RESID, RESIDFP] forceStereoEmulation Force Stereo SID Chip Emulation to RESID or RESIDFP (DEFAULT means default emulation) Default: DEFAULT Possible Values: [DEFAULT, RESID, RESIDFP] forceThirdEmulation Force 3-SID Chip Emulation to RESID or RESIDFP (DEFAULT means default emulation) Default: DEFAULT Possible Values: [DEFAULT, RESID, RESIDFP] defaultClock, k Set default VIC clock speed PAL or NTSC (to be used, if UNKNOWN) Default: PAL Possible Values: [AUTO, PAL, NTSC] forceClock, c Force user specific VIC clock speed PAL or NTSC (default: defined by song) Default: AUTO Possible Values: [AUTO, PAL, NTSC] defaultModel, u Default SID Chip Model MOS8580 or MOS6581 (to be used, if UNKNOWN) Default: MOS8580 Possible Values: [AUTO, MOS6581, MOS8580] forceModel, m Force Mono SID Chip Model to MOS8580 or MOS6581 (default: from tune or cfg) Default: AUTO Possible Values: [AUTO, MOS6581, MOS8580] forceStereoModel Force Stereo SID Chip Model to MOS8580 or MOS6581 (AUTO means use default model) Default: AUTO Possible Values: [AUTO, MOS6581, MOS8580] forceThirdModel Force 3-SID Chip Model to MOS8580 or MOS6581 (AUTO means use default model) Default: AUTO Possible Values: [AUTO, MOS6581, MOS8580] hardSid6581 HardSID 6581 device number Default: 0 hardSid8580 HardSID 8580 device number Default: 1 sidBlasterRead Use hardware for READ access otherwise emulated READs Default: false sidBlasterLatencyTimer The receive buffer timeout (2ms..255ms) that is used to flush remaining data from the receive buffer Default: 2 exsidFakeStereo ExSID fake stereo: Save bandwidth. ExSID device writes to both chips simultaneously. Default: true NetSIDDevHost Hostname of the Network SID Device Default: NetSIDDevPort Port of the Network SID Device Default: 6581 ultimate64Mode Ultimate64 mode Default: OFF Possible Values: [OFF, STANDALONE, SIMULTANEOUS] Ultimate64Host Ultimate64 Hostname Default: Ultimate64Port Ultimate64 Port Default: 64 Ultimate64SyncDelay Sync delay between JSIDPlay2 and Ultimate64 in ms Default: 720 disableFilter, i No SID filter emulation Default: true disableStereoFilter, j No stereo SID filter emulation Default: true disable3rdSidFilter, J No 3rd SID filter emulation Default: true sidToRead Fake stereo: SID number to process READs Default: FIRST_SID Possible Values: [FIRST_SID, SECOND_SID, THIRD_SID] digiBoosted8580 Digi-sample Boost of SID 8580 Default: false dualSIDBase Dual SID adress Default: 54304 thirdSIDBase third SID adress Default: 54336 fakeStereo Fake stereo Default: false dualSID, d Force dual SID environment Default: false thirdSID, D Force third SID environment Default: false muteVoice1, 1 mute voice 1 Default: false muteVoice2, 2 mute voice 2 Default: false muteVoice3, 3 mute voice 3 Default: false muteVoice4, 4 mute samples Default: false muteStereoVoice1, 5 mute voice 1 (stereo-SID) Default: false muteStereoVoice2, 6 mute voice 2 (stereo-SID) Default: false muteStereoVoice3, 7 mute voice 3 (stereo-SID) Default: false muteStereoVoice4, 8 mute samples (stereo-SID) Default: false muteThirdSidVoice1, 9 mute voice 1 (3-SID) Default: false muteThirdSidVoice2 mute voice 2 (3-SID) Default: false muteThirdSidVoice3 mute voice 3 (3-SID) Default: false muteThirdSidVoice4 mute samples (3-SID) Default: false filter6581 Filter name of SID 6581 (RESID) Default: FilterAverage6581 stereoFilter6581 Filter name of Stereo SID 6581 (RESID) Default: FilterAverage6581 thirdFilter6581 Filter name of 3rd SID 6581 (RESID) Default: FilterAverage6581 filter8580 Filter name of SID 8580 (RESID) Default: FilterAverage8580 stereoFilter8580 Filter name of Stereo SID 8580 (RESID) Default: FilterAverage8580 thirdFilter8580 Filter name of 3rd SID 8580 (RESID) Default: FilterAverage8580 reSIDfpFilter6581 Filter name of SID 6581 (RESIDFP) Default: FilterAlankila6581R4AR_3789 reSIDfpStereoFilter6581 Filter name of Stereo SID 6581 (RESIDFP) Default: FilterAlankila6581R4AR_3789 reSIDfpThirdFilter6581 Filter name of 3rd SID 6581 (RESIDFP) Default: FilterAlankila6581R4AR_3789 reSIDfpFilter8580 Filter name of SID 8580 (RESIDFP) Default: FilterTrurl8580R5_3691 reSIDfpStereoFilter8580 Filter name of Stereo SID 8580 (RESIDFP) Default: FilterTrurl8580R5_3691 reSIDfpThirdFilter8580 Filter name of 3rd SID 8580 (RESIDFP) Default: FilterTrurl8580R5_3691 detectPSID64ChipModel Auto-detect PSID64 settings Default: true whatsSIDEnable Recognizes the currently played tune after a few seconds Default: true whatsSIDUrl WhatsSID url, in fact JSIDPlay2 running in server mode Default: whatsSIDUsername WhatsSID Username Default: jsidplay2 whatsSIDPassword WhatsSID Password Default: ******** whatsSIDConnectionTimeout Connection Timeout in ms Default: 5000 whatsSIDCaptureTime Capture the last N seconds for tune recognition Default: 15 whatsSIDMatchStartTime Time (in seconds) when tune recognition should begin Default: 15 whatsSIDMatchRetryTime Time (in seconds) after the tune recognition should continue Default: 15 whatsSIDMinimumRelativeConfidence Minimum relative confidence required to match a tune Default: 4.5 whatsSIDDetectChipModel Auto-detect Emulation settings Default: false Example: HTTP(S)-GET********&whatsSIDConnectionTimeout=5000&whatsSIDCaptureTime=15&whatsSIDMatchStartTime=15&whatsSIDMatchRetryTime=15&whatsSIDMinimumRelativeConfidence=4.5&whatsSIDDetectChipModel=false